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How Damaged Manhole Covers and Gully Grates Can Be Dangerous

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How Damaged Manhole Covers and Gully Grates Can Be Dangerous

Damaged manhole covers and gully grates have more of an impact on society than you may realise. We all turn a blind eye to public issues sometimes, but this is one you definitely need to be responsible for, and take the time to report. Read on to find out why.

Damaged Manhole cover


Why should you report damaged manhole covers and gully grates?

The drainage of water from the surface of the roads is what keeps them safe and dry. When the drains get clogged the road can flood, causing drivers to lose control of their cars. Local councils dig out vegetation from gullies once a year for rural areas, and twice for urban areas. However, sometimes outside factors, such as the gully grate being broken or stolen, can cause emergency situations that the council needs to be notified of. If the gully grate is missing, fragile or broken, it means larger pieces of debris can get through and clog the drain. Flooding is not the only danger this poses. Damaged ground level grates and manholes are a hazard because they can collapse if you walk or cycle over them. This means someone could fall into or trip over the drain and get injured.

Broken manholes on roads are dangerous because they could damage the cars and put the drivers at risk. Pedestrians can also be unsafe as they could fall fully into a manhole and end up in a sewage or water system. They would be put at risk of infection and diseases, if they didn’t get injured from the fall.

You should report the issue if the gully grating or manhole cover is:

  • Missing
  • Broken or dislodged
  • The wrong type
  • Slippery or smooth

If there has been heavy rainfall, wait for the water to drain away. If it has been a while and it is still blocked, you can report the issue.


How to report a damaged manhole cover or gully grate on public land:

Broken drain covers and manholes on public land, such as roads, are the council’s responsibility and need to be reported. Usually you can report the issue on your local council website, all of the information concerning the ownership of the drain system will be available to you there. If this is not an option, you can use the Department of Infrastructure website – simply follow the links concerning ‘drains, gullies, and sewers’.


What to do about a damaged manhole cover or gully grate on your property:

Gully grates and manhole covers within the boundaries of your property are your responsibility and you should call a drainage company. A motivating factor for you to fix any problems is that it’s much cheaper for you to repair a broken gully grate rather than pay for unclogging your drains. In addition to this, if your drain is blocked it could flood your property or lead to water seeping into the foundations of the building.

If you don’t repair any broken grates or manholes on your property, the council could issue a notice and if you don’t respond, they can fix it themselves and charge you for it. Don’t let the situation reach this point – choose a reliable drainage company with the right skills and experience.


Power Rod is the ideal company to call for manhole cover and gully grate repairs. We are a specialist drainage company providing fast and effective commercial drainage or domestic drainage services throughout Hemel Hempstead, St Albans, Stevenage, Milton Keynes, Watford and Welwyn Garden City. Every customer enjoys free estimates, no callout fees and a precise hourly slot. Get in touch today to learn more.

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